Gloria Lissner
The Ultimate Betrayal: Seniors Abandoned Needing Medical Care

The Ultimate Betrayal is a heart-wrenching reality that happens all too often, especially to senior animals like Prince. Imagine giving your heart, your loyalty, your very best for years, only to be discarded when you’re most vulnerable. It’s a pattern we see again and again at the rescue, and it’s devastating – animals who’ve spent their entire lives trusting, loving, and depending on their guardians are abandoned when they need that love returned.
For animals like Prince, the betrayal often starts subtly, and then the disregard becomes more overt. Sometimes it’s a growing impatience with the needs that come with aging – maybe Prince’s guardian found his slower steps and extra care too demanding. Maybe his medical needs became “too much to handle.” But instead of working through these challenges, instead of adjusting to meet his needs, they simply turned away.
They stopped seeing him as the little life that brought them comfort and companionship and started viewing him as a burden.
In some cases, this betrayal means animals are left alone for long stretches of time, isolated in rooms, ignored, or denied affection because they are “inconvenient.” We’ve heard stories of senior animals confined to basements, left without interaction because their mere presence became a “problem.” Others, like Prince, are left at rescues with cold remarks like, “I can’t look at him anymore,” or “He’s just too old.” It’s as though the years of loyalty and love are erased, and all that’s left is the heartbreak and confusion of abandonment.
What’s most heartbreaking about this ultimate betrayal is the animals’ confusion. They don’t understand why they’re left behind, why the hands that once reached down to pet them are no longer there, or why the laps they nestled into are gone. Prince’s story reminds us of the heavy responsibility we take on when we welcome animals into our lives – they trust us completely, and we are all they have. To betray that trust is more than just turning away; it’s breaking a bond that they thought was unbreakable.
And now, Prince is left to carry that burden. He doesn’t know why he’s here, why the person he loved abandoned him, or why he’s facing a serious medical challenge alone. But we’re determined to rewrite his story. We’re here to tell him that, even though he’s known betrayal, he’ll know love and compassion again. And we need a community willing to make sure Prince feels valued, respected, and adored, not abandoned.
Let’s prove to Prince that love is still here, that he’s worth it, and that the kindness of strangers can heal even the deepest betrayals.
If you would like to donate to help Prince with his medical care, please see his fundraiser below. Thank you for your support.