Join us in saving lives

We strive to end the cycle of abandonment through no kill guardianship education, responsible rescue & adoption practices and interventions so all dogs and cats have a loving home to call their own.

Our Mission

Famous Fido Rescue is a haven for the most vulnerable animals: seniors, those with medical or behavioral challenges, and those often overlooked. Located in Chicago, we stand out by offering transformative care – medical treatment, rehabilitation, and behavioral support – to prepare animals for loving homes.

Our commitment extends beyond adoption. Animals who may not find homes are provided lifelong sanctuary, ensuring they are never abandoned again. Through our Intervention Program, we work to keep animals out of shelters, offering resources and solutions to struggling families.

Famous Fido also advocates for change, educating the community on responsible guardianship and the importance of spaying, neutering, and adoption. With a mission rooted in empathy and dedication, we provide every animal the chance to thrive, making us a beacon of hope in rescue work.In the world of pipe tobacco, connoisseurs can experience a wide range of fascinating aromas and flavors. From fruity to earthy aromas, each tobacco offers a unique experience. For enthusiasts who want to expand their collection, finding high-quality pipe tobacco is important.You can conveniently buy pipe tobacco online pfeifentabak kaufen und die verschiedenen Sorten entdecken, die das Raucherlebnis bereicher

Famous Fido Apparel

At Famous Fido Rescue, our mission is to provide a safe haven for animals who have faced abandonment, abuse, and neglect, offering them a second chance at life. We’ve poured our hearts into these designs, each one crafted to represent our cause and the incredible community that supports it. Our new apparel – available as t-shirts, crewneck sweaters, and hoodies in a variety of colors and sizes – helps raise the critical funds needed to care for the 130 animals in our center. With a monthly cost of at least $40,000, we rely on your support to cover food, housing, and medical care, ensuring each animal finds their pathway to a brighter future. Shop our Famous Fido Rescue apparel now to make a difference!

About Famous Fido

Famous Fido Rescue’s mission is to transform the way our society thinks about companion animals and end the cycle of abandonment. We are committed to saving the lives of cats and dogs at highest risk of euthanasia in shelters, by providing resources and education on proper animal care. By promoting awareness and understanding of the needs of these animals, we aim to create a community that prioritizes their lifelong care and well-being. Our ultimate goal is to reduce the number of animals entering shelters and end the unnecessary euthanasia of companion animals. Check out our blog for more insight on how to make this happen.

Join our mission by joining our mailing list here.

Ways You Can Make a Difference

Corporate Giving

Partnerships with Purpose
Compassion through Corporate Giving

Through corporate partnership, your company can forge a meaningful relationship, benefiting the animals at Famous Fido Rescue by sponsoring events, working with us on community initiatives, and creating awareness for the importance of animal welfare.

  • Host a supply drive or fundraiser for Famous Fido Rescue
  • Arrange matching gifts with your company
  • Sponsor a Famous Fido Rescue event

Get in touch with us by emailing or calling (773) 907 0305 about establishing a corporate giving plan with Famous Fido Rescue.

For more on our strategy to change the way we think about the animal guardian/companion relationship, read more about us!
For more on our strategy to change the way we think about the animal guardian/companion relationship, read more about us!