18 10, 2024

Let’s Talk About The Ultimate Betrayal


THE ULTIMATE BETRAYALA MOVEMENT BY FAMOUS FIDO RESCUEIt’s a heartbreaking truth that far too many dogs and cats are abandoned, left to wonder why the love they once felt disappeared. Some were cherished for a fleeting moment - adopted or purchased on a whim, perhaps as a cute puppy or a kitten on Christmas morning. But when the novelty wore off, the effort to [...]

Let’s Talk About The Ultimate Betrayal2024-10-23T09:20:03-05:00
1 08, 2023

A Tale of Heartbreak and Hope: Rescuing Barbie


In a world filled with stories of courage and resilience, some leave an indelible mark on our hearts. Today, we share the poignant journey of Barbie, a 9-year-old cat whose life took an unexpected turn, leaving us all reflecting on the importance of planning for our furry companions' futures. Barbie's Beginnings Barbie wasn't named after a recent movie craze; her name had been a [...]

A Tale of Heartbreak and Hope: Rescuing Barbie2023-08-01T17:58:47-05:00
12 05, 2023
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Finding Home for All: Overcoming Challenges in Housing Four Pitbulls on a Limited Budget


Moving to a new place can be a daunting experience, especially when you have animals. Unfortunately, many people find themselves in a situation where they have to give up their beloved animals due to housing constraints. However, at Famous Fido Rescue, we believe that with determination, resourcefulness, and community support, it is possible to find a suitable home even for those with multiple animals, [...]

Finding Home for All: Overcoming Challenges in Housing Four Pitbulls on a Limited Budget2023-05-14T17:47:10-05:00
8 05, 2023
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How Compassionate Animal Care Serves the Community


Chicago is a model city for urban growth, business, invention, architecture, and quality of life. Unfortunately, our beautiful city has not been a model for compassion, especially regarding companion animals – dogs and cats. Despite our reputation for progressive ways of thinking, under current laws, companion animals like dogs and cats are considered property: commodities that are bought, sold, treated, bred, and traded by [...]

How Compassionate Animal Care Serves the Community2023-05-08T21:12:53-05:00
5 05, 2023

Compassionate Care for Senior Animal Companions: Why It’s Important and How You Can Help


Charlie is a senior dog at our rescue who is in need of a little extra care in his twilight years. Each week, he goes to the vet to have fluid drained from around his heart, a labor-intensive process that requires a lot of time and effort. But for those who care for Charlie, it's all worth it to see him comfortable and happy. [...]

Compassionate Care for Senior Animal Companions: Why It’s Important and How You Can Help2023-05-08T20:58:57-05:00