Gloria Lissner

Hope’s Story: A Heartbreaking Tale of Cruelty and a Call for Responsible Rehoming

With a heavy heart, I share the story of Hope, a sweet 3-month-old puppy who endured unimaginable cruelty. Likely used as a bait dog, Hope’s short life was marked by pain and suffering. Her story is not just a plea for compassion but also a crucial reminder of the importance of responsible rehoming.

What Are Bait Dogs?

Bait dogs are innocent animals used in illegal dog fighting rings to train fighting dogs. These defenseless creatures are often tied up, muzzled, or otherwise restrained, and then set upon by more aggressive dogs. The goal is to make the fighting dogs more vicious, desensitizing them to violence. Bait dogs, like Hope, suffer severe injuries, trauma, and often death. The cruelty they endure is beyond comprehension.

Hope’s Last Moments

Hope was abandoned, left in a tub on top of a bloody pillow with no collar or leash. The sight of her, cold and lifeless, rocked us to our core. Despite the vets’ best efforts, her condition worsened, and she needed a blood transfusion. Afterwards, Hope’s levels dropped, and we lost her. Her story breaks our hearts, but it also strengthens our resolve to fight against such cruelty and ensure no other animal suffers the same fate.

The Importance of Responsible Rehoming

Hope’s story highlights a critical issue in animal welfare: the need for responsible rehoming. Giving an animal away for free to just anyone can have tragic consequences. It is essential to take the time to interview potential adopters, get to know them, and ensure the animal is going to a safe and loving home. Here’s why this process is so important:

  1. Safety and Security: By thoroughly vetting potential adopters, you can help ensure the animal will not be subjected to neglect, abuse, or, in the worst cases, used in dog fighting rings.

  2. Commitment: Taking the time to interview adopters helps ensure they understand the responsibility of having an animal and are committed to providing a forever home.

  3. Proper Fit: Every animal has unique needs and personality traits. Getting to know potential adopters allows you to match the right animal with the right family, increasing the chances of a successful adoption.

Investing in Proper Rehoming

If you find yourself unable to keep a cat/dog, it is crucial to invest the time and effort into properly rehoming them. This means not only finding a new home but ensuring it is the right home. Here are some steps you can take:

  • Conduct Interviews: Ask questions about the adopter’s experience with animals, their living situation, and their plans for the animal’s care.
  • Home Visits: If possible, visit the potential adopter’s home to see where the animal will live and ensure it is safe.
  • References: Ask for and check references to get a sense of the adopter’s history with their furry companions.
  • Adoption Fees: Charging a reasonable adoption fee can help deter those with ill intentions and signal that the adopter is serious about taking on the responsibility of a furry companion.


Hope’s story is a heartbreaking reminder of the importance of compassion and vigilance in the world of animal welfare. While we could not save Hope, we can honor her memory by advocating for responsible rehoming and ensuring that every animal has a chance at a safe, loving home. Let us all commit to taking the time to invest in the proper rehoming of animals, ensuring they find the love and care they deserve.

Thank you for standing with us in this fight against cruelty and for being a voice for the voiceless.