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    Frequently Asked Questions

    There are multiple ways to help. We need monetary donations as well as volunteers, supplies and of course furever homes for your pets.

    Help Us Serve Our Guests And Residents!2020-07-30T14:36:57-05:00

    Famous Fido is always in need of supplies, and we are appreciative of any help you can provide. We maintain an Amazon Wishlist with some of our most commonly used and needed items.

    We are desperately in need of an update to our computers and are looking for three P.C.s with monitors. Our Hewlett-Packard printer can always use ink, too! We use 902 XL cartridges. The animals thank you for helping us out. Everything you do for us makes a direct impact on their quality of life.

    Work with Catastrophic Events2020-07-30T14:28:50-05:00

    We work with guardians to keep their cat or dog in their home instead of surrendering to a shelter. We assist with providing resources, such as food, medical care, and in some cases, temporary shelter for animals and their people in need.

    What Is The Adoption Process2020-08-11T15:57:12-05:00

    We are changing the way people think about adopting animals. We believe in doing our due diligence in interviewing potential guardians to ensure that each animal is happy and in the right home with nurturing guardians for their lifetime. We believe in the quality of the home and do not want to place an animal in a home where they cannot succeed.


    As a No Kill Advocacy Center and a Rescue, we provide education and seminars to the community in an effort to keep animals out of the shelters. We educate guardians on keeping their animals in their home while providing resources that will help keep the animal out of a shelter. We often see animals being surrendered due to medical needs, and we assist in helping to pay for medical bills, food and treats to keep the animals with their family.

    What Types of Animals Do You Care For2020-07-30T14:41:59-05:00

    Many of our residents are seen as special needs animals. There have developed fear based behaviors from abuse or lengthy shelter stays, including fear biting, resource guarding, a general lack of socialization and good social behavior, and negative reactions to people or other animals. We give them quiet time to decompress and work with trainers to help animals regain the confidence and manners. We have many bonded pairs, seniors that need special medical attention, dogs, and cats with other medical issues such as Cushing’s or Cancer. It is through donations and the support of others, that we are able to care for these animals and make sure they have a high quality of life. Many of these dogs and cats would not have made it out of a shelter.

    If you have any other questions, please contact us