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	<title>Cat Care &#8211; Famous Fido Rescue</title>
		<title>Volunteers: The Rescue Heroes We Desperately Need</title>
		<dc:creator><![CDATA[Gloria Lissner]]></dc:creator>
		<pubDate>Wed, 06 Nov 2024 16:58:08 +0000</pubDate>
		<category><![CDATA[Cat Care]]></category>
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					<description><![CDATA[Volunteering in animal rescue is not for the faint-hearted. It’s a commitment that requires time, energy, and a heart ready to feel deeply. Here at Famous Fido Rescue, we are blessed to have a small, devoted team - people who have been with us every week, month after month, year after year. Their dedication and  [...]]]></description>
										<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Volunteering in animal rescue is not for the faint-hearted. It’s a commitment that requires time, energy, and a heart ready to feel deeply. Here at Famous Fido Rescue, we are blessed to have a small, devoted team &#8211; people who have been with us every week, month after month, year after year. Their dedication and commitment are the bedrock of everything we do. Without them, we simply couldn’t exist. But as much as we cherish and appreciate every single one of these incredible souls, we desperately need more hands, more hearts willing to join us and share this burden.</p>
<p>The reality is that rescue work is hard. It’s emotionally and physically exhausting. There are days when our spirits are tested, when the stories of animals who come to us are just too much to bear, and when the endless cycle of cleaning, feeding, and caring seems relentless. But it’s because of these animals &#8211; because of the lives they’ve led and the suffering they’ve endured &#8211; that we continue. They’ve been let down so many times, abandoned, or left with no one to care for them. At Famous Fido Rescue, we have 130 cats and dogs, each with their own story, their own need for a kind touch, a clean space, and a glimpse of hope.</p>
<p><img fetchpriority="high" decoding="async" class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-25547" src="https://famousfidorescue.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/IMG_8885-1-225x300.jpeg" alt="" width="225" height="300" srcset="https://famousfidorescue.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/IMG_8885-1-200x267.jpeg 200w, https://famousfidorescue.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/IMG_8885-1-225x300.jpeg 225w, https://famousfidorescue.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/IMG_8885-1-400x533.jpeg 400w, https://famousfidorescue.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/IMG_8885-1-500x667.jpeg 500w, https://famousfidorescue.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/IMG_8885-1-600x800.jpeg 600w, https://famousfidorescue.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/IMG_8885-1-700x933.jpeg 700w, https://famousfidorescue.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/IMG_8885-1-768x1024.jpeg 768w, https://famousfidorescue.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/IMG_8885-1-800x1067.jpeg 800w, https://famousfidorescue.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/IMG_8885-1-1152x1536.jpeg 1152w, https://famousfidorescue.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/IMG_8885-1-1200x1600.jpeg 1200w, https://famousfidorescue.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/IMG_8885-1-scaled.jpeg 1536w" sizes="(max-width: 225px) 100vw, 225px" /></p>
<p>By volunteering, you are not just cleaning a room or filling a water bowl. You’re offering these animals a lifeline. When you clean the cat rooms or the dog rooms, you’re creating a safe, comfortable space where they can begin to heal. You’re giving them a reason to trust again. Your hands are not just lifting mops or sweeping up fur &#8211; they’re part of something much larger. Every task you take on lightens the load for us all and brings more relief and hope to the animals who need it most.</p>
<p><img decoding="async" class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-25548" src="https://famousfidorescue.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/Screenshot_20241106_103733_Photos2-240x300.jpg" alt="" width="240" height="300" srcset="https://famousfidorescue.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/Screenshot_20241106_103733_Photos2-200x250.jpg 200w, https://famousfidorescue.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/Screenshot_20241106_103733_Photos2-240x300.jpg 240w, https://famousfidorescue.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/Screenshot_20241106_103733_Photos2-400x500.jpg 400w, https://famousfidorescue.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/Screenshot_20241106_103733_Photos2-500x625.jpg 500w, https://famousfidorescue.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/Screenshot_20241106_103733_Photos2-600x749.jpg 600w, https://famousfidorescue.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/Screenshot_20241106_103733_Photos2-700x874.jpg 700w, https://famousfidorescue.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/Screenshot_20241106_103733_Photos2-768x959.jpg 768w, https://famousfidorescue.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/Screenshot_20241106_103733_Photos2-800x999.jpg 800w, https://famousfidorescue.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/Screenshot_20241106_103733_Photos2-820x1024.jpg 820w, https://famousfidorescue.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/Screenshot_20241106_103733_Photos2.jpg 1080w" sizes="(max-width: 240px) 100vw, 240px" /></p>
<p>This work isn’t easy, and it shouldn’t be taken lightly. Volunteering with us means making a commitment, showing up even on the days when it’s hard. But that’s what rescue is. It’s showing up for animals who have no one else.</p>
<p><span style="font-size: 20px;"><strong>Volunteering is creating joy in the small moments, the soft purrs, the wagging tails, knowing that with every shift, with every act of care, you’re giving them a better chance.</strong></span></p>
<p>We know that it’s not for everyone, but if you are someone who believes in making a real difference, who wants to be part of a team that stands up for those who can’t speak for themselves, then we ask you &#8211; please, volunteer with us. Help us clean the cat rooms, the dog rooms. Help us bring light into their lives and give them the love they’ve been searching for. Together, we can make sure that no animal at Famous Fido Rescue ever feels alone again.</p>
<p><strong><span style="font-size: 20px;"><a href="https://famousfidorescue.org/volunteer">Apply to Volunteer</a></span></strong></p>
		<title>Lilly&#8217;s Miraculous Reunion: The Lifesaving Power of Microchips and Hope</title>
		<dc:creator><![CDATA[Gloria Lissner]]></dc:creator>
		<pubDate>Mon, 28 Oct 2024 22:53:24 +0000</pubDate>
				<category><![CDATA[Cat Care]]></category>
		<category><![CDATA[Daily Basis]]></category>
		<category><![CDATA[Helpful Info]]></category>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">https://famousfidorescue.org/?p=25406</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[The Importance of Microchipping and Keeping Your Pet’s Information Up to Date There is no greater relief than being reunited with a beloved companion who has gone missing, and a recent reunion at Famous Fido Rescue reminded us of the incredible importance of microchipping. (Upon intake, we checked Lilly's microchip which revealed a lot  [...]]]></description>
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<div class="relative p-1 rounded-sm flex items-center justify-center bg-token-main-surface-primary text-token-text-primary h-8 w-8"><strong>The Importance of Microchipping and Keeping Your Pet’s Information Up to Date</strong></div>
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<p>There is no greater relief than being reunited with a beloved companion who has gone missing, and a recent reunion at Famous Fido Rescue reminded us of the incredible importance of microchipping.</p>
<p><img decoding="async" class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-25409" src="https://famousfidorescue.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1000030288-225x300.jpg" alt="" width="225" height="300" srcset="https://famousfidorescue.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1000030288-200x267.jpg 200w, https://famousfidorescue.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1000030288-225x300.jpg 225w, https://famousfidorescue.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1000030288-400x533.jpg 400w, https://famousfidorescue.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1000030288-500x667.jpg 500w, https://famousfidorescue.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1000030288-600x800.jpg 600w, https://famousfidorescue.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1000030288-700x933.jpg 700w, https://famousfidorescue.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1000030288-768x1024.jpg 768w, https://famousfidorescue.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1000030288-800x1067.jpg 800w, https://famousfidorescue.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1000030288.jpg 960w" sizes="(max-width: 225px) 100vw, 225px" /></p>
<p><span style="color: #999999;">(Upon intake, we checked Lilly&#8217;s microchip which revealed a lot of information to make her reunion possible.)</span></p>
<p><strong>Meet Lilly</strong> – an 11-year-old cat with a remarkable story. Lilly went missing from her family 10 years ago. For a decade, her original guardian never gave up hope, continuing to update the contact information on her microchip year after year, hoping that one day she would come back home.</p>
<p><img decoding="async" class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-25408" src="https://famousfidorescue.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1000030289-300x224.jpg" alt="" width="300" height="224" srcset="https://famousfidorescue.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1000030289-200x149.jpg 200w, https://famousfidorescue.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1000030289-300x224.jpg 300w, https://famousfidorescue.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1000030289-400x298.jpg 400w, https://famousfidorescue.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1000030289-500x373.jpg 500w, https://famousfidorescue.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1000030289-600x447.jpg 600w, https://famousfidorescue.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1000030289-700x522.jpg 700w, https://famousfidorescue.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1000030289-768x572.jpg 768w, https://famousfidorescue.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1000030289-800x596.jpg 800w, https://famousfidorescue.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1000030289-1024x763.jpg 1024w, https://famousfidorescue.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1000030289.jpg 1080w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" /></p>
<p><span style="color: #999999;">(Photo of Lilly from 10 years ago!)</span></p>
<p><strong>This week, that long-awaited reunion finally happened.</strong> Lilly was found abandoned after someone moved out of an apartment and left her behind. She was brought to Famous Fido Rescue, where we scanned her for a microchip. Because her chip was kept up to date, we were able to contact her dad, who had spent years wondering what happened to her. The moment they were reunited was filled with joy and relief – a reunion made possible only because Lilly had been microchipped and her family never stopped hoping.</p>
<p><img decoding="async" class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-25410" src="https://famousfidorescue.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1000030292-225x300.jpg" alt="" width="225" height="300" srcset="https://famousfidorescue.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1000030292-200x267.jpg 200w, https://famousfidorescue.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1000030292-225x300.jpg 225w, https://famousfidorescue.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1000030292-400x533.jpg 400w, https://famousfidorescue.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1000030292-500x667.jpg 500w, https://famousfidorescue.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1000030292.jpg 600w" sizes="(max-width: 225px) 100vw, 225px" /></p>
<p><span style="color: #999999;">(For Lilly&#8217;s dad, there was no greater joy than bringing her back home.)</span></p>
<p>Lilly’s story shows us how critical microchipping is. It’s not just about getting the chip implanted; it&#8217;s about <strong><em>registering</em> it and <em>keeping your contact information up to date.</em> </strong>Without these steps, the chance of reunion dramatically decreases.</p>
<p>If you come across an animal without an obvious home, <em>please</em> take them to a vet or rescue to be scanned for a chip. Post about them on lost animal websites, social media platforms, and put up flyers in your area. Make the effort to keep them safe while you search for their family. An animal like <strong>Lilly could have easily slipped through the cracks after being abandoned, but thanks to the person who took the time to get her scanned and our ability to connect with her original guardian, she is now back in the arms of someone who loves her deeply.</strong></p>
<p>At Famous Fido Rescue, every animal is microchipped to ensure they always have a way back home. We encourage every guardian to do the same – and take it a step further with name tags, information stitched into a collar, Apple AirTags, or any additional measures that might help your cat or dog find their way home if they ever get lost.</p>
<p>It’s also essential to take precautions:</p>
<li>Keep cats indoors, where they are safe from harm.</li>
<li>Always use a leash when walking your dog to prevent unexpected accidents.</li>
<li>Make sure your gates are securely closed and consider locking them to avoid accidental escapes.</li>
<p>These small actions can make the difference between losing a companion forever and experiencing the joy of a reunion. Lilly&#8217;s story is proof of how love, preparation, and hope can overcome even the longest separations. Microchip your animals, keep their information up to date, and take every precaution to keep them safe. Your furry family member&#8217;s future might just depend on it.</p>
		<title>Declawing: Understanding the Detrimental Effects on Cats Well-being</title>
		<dc:creator><![CDATA[Gloria Lissner]]></dc:creator>
		<pubDate>Fri, 30 Jun 2023 14:50:15 +0000</pubDate>
				<category><![CDATA[Animal Welfare]]></category>
		<category><![CDATA[Cat Care]]></category>
		<category><![CDATA[General Health]]></category>
		<category><![CDATA[Helpful Info]]></category>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">https://famousfidorescue.org/?p=15545</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[As individuals who share our lives with feline companions, it is crucial to consider the welfare of our beloved cats. In recent years, declawing has come under intense scrutiny due to its inherent cruelty and the detrimental physical and mental impact it has on cats. In this blog post, we will delve into the reasons  [...]]]></description>
										<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>As individuals who share our lives with feline companions, it is crucial to consider the welfare of our beloved cats. In recent years, declawing has come under intense scrutiny due to its inherent cruelty and the detrimental physical and mental impact it has on cats. In this blog post, we will delve into the reasons why declawing should be avoided and shed light on the inhumane nature of this practice.</p>
<p>Inherent cruelty: Declawing involves the amputation of a cat&#8217;s claws, which is a painful and invasive procedure. Imagine having the tips of your fingers or toes removed; it would undoubtedly cause immense pain and distress. Cats are sentient beings who experience pain and suffering, and subjecting them to such a procedure is inherently cruel.</p>
<p>Loss of natural behavior: Cats rely on their claws for numerous essential activities, such as climbing, scratching, and hunting. These behaviors are deeply ingrained in their nature and serve both physical and psychological purposes. Declawing denies cats the opportunity to engage in their instinctive behaviors, leading to frustration, confusion, and a diminished quality of life.</p>
<p>Negative physical consequences: Declawing is not simply the removal of the claw; it involves the amputation of the last bone of each toe. This can result in chronic pain, balance issues, and altered gait, as well as an increased risk of long-term joint problems. Inflicted with pain and discomfort, declawed cats may develop defensive aggression as a result of feeling vulnerable and defenseless.</p>
<p>Behavioral issues: Declawed cats may develop a range of behavioral problems as a result of the physical and psychological trauma they experience. They may exhibit increased aggression, inappropriate elimination outside the litter box, and heightened levels of stress and anxiety. These behavioral issues can strain the bond between humans and cats and significantly impact the cat&#8217;s overall well-being.</p>
<p>Alternatives to declawing: Instead of declawing, there are humane alternatives available to address unwanted scratching behavior. Regular nail trimming, providing suitable scratching posts, using deterrents like double-sided tape or citrus scents on furniture, and employing positive reinforcement training techniques can help redirect a cat&#8217;s scratching habits without causing harm.</p>
<p><strong>Declawing is a cruel and unnecessary procedure that causes immense physical and psychological suffering to cats.</strong> As compassionate individuals, it is our duty to prioritize the well-being and happiness of our feline companions. By choosing alternatives to declawing and promoting education and awareness, we can ensure that cats can live fulfilling lives with their natural behaviors intact, free from unnecessary pain and distress.</p>
		<title>A Beacon of Hope: Saving Comet the Kitten&#8217;s Life</title>
		<dc:creator><![CDATA[Gloria Lissner]]></dc:creator>
		<pubDate>Fri, 12 May 2023 02:37:11 +0000</pubDate>
				<category><![CDATA[Cat Care]]></category>
		<category><![CDATA[No Kill]]></category>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">https://famousfidorescue.org/?p=14193</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[In the vastness of the universe, even the smallest of lives can shine like a comet streaking across the night sky. Enter Comet, an adorable little kitten whose fierce battle against a viral infection has touched the hearts of many. Stricken with pneumonia, Comet found himself in a dire situation, relying on a team of  [...]]]></description>
										<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In the vastness of the universe, even the smallest of lives can shine like a comet streaking across the night sky. Enter Comet, an adorable little kitten whose fierce battle against a viral infection has touched the hearts of many. Stricken with pneumonia, Comet found himself in a dire situation, relying on a team of dedicated individuals to provide him with the vital care and support he needed to survive. This heartwarming story serves as a poignant reminder of the significance of lending a helping hand and the profound impact it can have on a life, no matter how small.</p>
<h4>A Life Hanging by a Thread:</h4>
<p>Comet&#8217;s story began when he was born at our rescue, after his mom was abandoned while pregnant. He had a strong start in life, but he was too young to receive vaccines, which left him vulnerable and susceptible to illness. The infection had taken a toll on his tiny body, plunging him into a state of pneumonia. With his fragile life hanging by a thread, the compassionate team at Famous Fido Rescue stepped in, determined to give him a fighting chance. And, he was rushed to the emergency room.</p>
<h4>The Power of Human Compassion:</h4>
<p>Comet&#8217;s struggle exemplifies the incredible power of human compassion. It&#8217;s easy to underestimate the significance of our actions, especially when faced with daunting challenges. Yet, it is precisely in these moments that our collective effort can make a monumental difference. By extending a helping hand to Comet, Famous Fido Rescue not only provided him with the necessary medical attention but also showered him with love and care. The kindness of our volunteer&#8217;s and supporter&#8217;s actions echoed a resounding message: <span style="text-decoration: underline;">every life, regardless of size or species, holds immeasurable value.</span></p>
<h4>The Ripple Effect:</h4>
<p>By rallying together to save Comet, the team at Famous Fido Rescue demonstrated how an individual life can set off a ripple effect of kindness and inspiration. Comet&#8217;s story touched the hearts of many, prompting others to contribute to his care, whether through financial support or by spreading awareness about his plight. Social media platforms became a lifeline, connecting people from all walks of life who shared a common goal: to ensure Comet&#8217;s survival. This collective effort resonated far beyond the walls of the rescue center, reminding us of the impact we can have when we join forces for a greater cause.</p>
<h4>A Glimmer of Hope:</h4>
<p>Despite the severity of Comet&#8217;s condition, his will to survive has shone through. Through the tireless efforts of the veterinary team, he received round-the-clock care, including oxygen support to aid his breathing. His story became a testament to the resilience and unwavering spirit that exists within every living being, no matter how fragile or vulnerable they may seem. Comet&#8217;s journey awakened a renewed sense of hope within the community, inspiring others to cherish and protect the lives around them.</p>
<h4>The Importance of Helping:</h4>
<p>Comet&#8217;s story serves as a poignant reminder of why it is essential to extend a helping hand to those in need. Each life is unique and deserving of compassion, regardless of whether it walks on two legs or four. The act of helping not only saves lives but also nurtures our own humanity. It reminds us of the interconnectedness of all living beings and the profound impact we can have when we choose empathy over indifference.</p>
<h4>Comet&#8217;s Condition As of Now:</h4>
<p>Comet is still battling this viral infection in the emergency room as of May 11, 2023, and we hope that he can pull through this. He is only small, but he is a fighter. He has been in their care now fore 5 days. </p>
		<title>Helping Outdoor Cats: George and Hades&#8217; Stories</title>
		<dc:creator><![CDATA[Gloria Lissner]]></dc:creator>
		<pubDate>Wed, 10 May 2023 20:11:37 +0000</pubDate>
				<category><![CDATA[Animal Welfare]]></category>
		<category><![CDATA[Cat Care]]></category>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">https://famousfidorescue.org/?p=14158</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[We're all familiar with so-called "outdoor cats." We may even see them somewhat regularly in our neighborhoods. A common perception is that most cats prefer to be outside because they have freedom to follow their instincts such as hunting and having expanded territory. While that may be true where food and fresh water are plentiful,  [...]]]></description>
										<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>We&#8217;re all familiar with so-called &#8220;outdoor cats.&#8221; We may even see them somewhat regularly in our neighborhoods. A common perception is that most cats prefer to be outside because they have freedom to follow their instincts such as hunting and having expanded territory. While that may be true where food and fresh water are plentiful, this is rarely the case in urban environments. In reality, outdoor cats in cities face a wide variety of dangers, some of which may not be immediately apparent.</p>
<p>Firstly, adequate food and safe drinking water are never easy to find. Think of the puddles of water you&#8217;ve seen on city streets and ask yourself what person or animal would be willing to drink from it. Furthermore, in colder months or during inclement weather, cats have been known to crawl up inside the wheel wells of cars for shelter. When the driver does not notice this and hastily starts their car to drive away, the cat is at risk for life-threatening injury. Cats also face the prospect of injury and disease from the vermin they hunt, larger animals such as dogs and coyotes, and other cats. Without a responsible guardian to provide veterinary care, an injured cat is much less likely to survive for long. </p>
<p>Even the cats who successfully avoid these dangers become at risk in other ways. Stray cats are rarely spayed/neutered and kitten season comes at least once a year. Litters of kittens continue to flood an already overwhelmed system of shelters and animal rescues which contributes to rising euthanasia rates and lower quality of life for every cat in the system. Plainly put, urban environments in the U.S. are almost never built to offer a healthy, happy existence to outdoor cats. For every single cat that thrives in these environments, there are countless sad stories of cats that die in terrible ways.</p>
<p>At Famous Fido we regularly provide interventions for cats found in these distressing situations. Take George&#8217;s case for example (the orange tabby). George was a friendly stray cat that was always hanging around the neighborhood. George may have been a lost indoor cat who ultimately chose the outdoors, but since he has not been microchipped it has been impossible to tell. One of the neighbors in the street where George would hang around would feed him in his backyard. George showed up one day looking worse for wear. He was lethargic, congested, and had a large abscess on his leg.</p>
<p>The neighbor who would feed George became very concerned for his welfare and brought him inside, but he could not afford his medical care. The neighbor reached out to us to see if we could help. It turned out to be just in time. George’s health was in critical condition and needed immediate care. Thankfully, we were able to help George get this life-saving care, but it did turn out from being outside, George was also FeLV positive, which made living with the other cat in the neighbor’s home challenging.</p>
<p>The man has been keeping the cats separate while George recovers, and hopefully we will be able to find him a forever home soon. He is safe though and is being spoiled with lots of loving attention so he can heal. If it were not for the compassion of this man and for the supporters of our Intervention Program, George likely would not have survived.</p>
<p>In some other cases, cats are not on the streets of their own volition but are victims of abuse and/or neglect. Hades is one of those cases (the black cat). He was found battered, bloody, bruised and with a leather belt strapped tight around his neck in some shrubs. His finder was walking home when she heard his whimper. She immediately freed Hades from the bushes and took the belt from his neck and saw how he was barely clinging on to life.</p>
<p>She wanted to save his life, but without funds readily available she was concerned how she could bring him to the vet for the emergency care that he needed. When we heard about Hades’ situation and how distressed his finder was on the phone, we knew it was serious and we had to help. Our Intervention Fund helped Hades get into an emergency vet that night and thankfully they were able to provide him with care to save his life. His medical bills came out to approximately $3,000.</p>
<p>This situation could have ended very differently if Hades were not able to get this help, but instead it resulted in a happily ever after as the person who found Hades decided to keep him. Hades now spends every day by his new mom’s side. He built a bond with his savior, who helped restore his trust in people after his very harsh start in life.</p>
<p>If you are inspired by these stories of averted tragedy you can help us continue to fight for these animals by donating here: www.famousfidorescue.org/donate</p>
		<title>How Compassionate Animal Care Serves the Community</title>
		<dc:creator><![CDATA[Gloria Lissner]]></dc:creator>
		<pubDate>Mon, 08 May 2023 20:57:17 +0000</pubDate>
				<category><![CDATA[Animal Welfare]]></category>
		<category><![CDATA[Cat Care]]></category>
		<category><![CDATA[Dog Care]]></category>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">https://famousfidorescue.org/?p=14135</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[Chicago is a model city for urban growth, business, invention, architecture, and quality of life. Unfortunately, our beautiful city has not been a model for compassion, especially regarding companion animals – dogs and cats. Despite our reputation for progressive ways of thinking, under current laws, companion animals like dogs and cats are considered property: commodities  [...]]]></description>
										<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Chicago is a model city for urban growth, business, invention, architecture, and quality of life. Unfortunately, our beautiful city has not been a model for compassion, especially regarding companion animals – dogs and cats. Despite our reputation for progressive ways of thinking, under current laws, companion animals like dogs and cats are considered property: commodities that are bought, sold, treated, bred, and traded by people as they see fit. This leads to a perpetual cycle of people breeding and abandoning their dogs and cats to die in shelters.</p>
<p>At Famous Fido Rescue and Adoption Alliance, we not only rescue animals, but we also advocate on behalf of them to win the rights to which they are entitled. We are promoting the passage of a Compassionate Care Act to protect the rights of animals and improve the state of our community overall. The Compassionate Care Plan centers on stopping the cycle of dog and cat overpopulation in shelters to prevent the unnecessary killing of millions of companion animals each year. We have done the same things the same way, and the number of animals killed in shelters has continued to climb. The Compassionate Care Plan encourages a change in our community’s way of thinking and behaving to stem the flow of animals to kill and no-kill shelters.</p>
<p>You may have noticed a difference in standard language in the paragraphs above. Instead of using terms like “owner” and “pet,” what if we started using “guardian” and “companion”? We use these terms to emphasize our responsibility to companion animals as sentient beings who are able to feel emotions and pain just like you and I can. What if we stopped using the term “euthanasia” and started using “killing” instead? The term “euthanasia” comes from the Greek roots eu “well” + thanatos “death” and translates roughly to “easy death.” For our companion animals, though, these deaths are anything but easy. Do you see how uncomfortable it becomes to think about killing our companion animals? It is this change that leads to the reforms we propose in the Compassionate Care Plan.</p>
<p><strong>Spaying and Neutering Education:</strong> The cycle of killing begins with indiscriminate breeding by unlicensed guardians. In some cases, guardians perceive spaying and neutering as harmful when, in fact, these procedures can protect dogs and cats from reproductive cancers. In other cases, an outdated understanding of veterinary science has led people to think that female dogs “need” to have at least one litter of puppies, fueling overpopulation in shelters. Furthermore, some guardians believe that spaying and neutering are unaffordable. However, places like PAWS and Anti-Cruelty Society run low-cost spay and neuter clinics. One of our key proposals in the Compassionate Care Plan is to provide private and public funding to educate people and to expand the number of clinics in Chicago and the surrounding suburbs.</p>
<p><strong>Prohibitions on Backyard Breeding:</strong> A backyard breeder is an unlicensed private citizen who deliberately breeds dogs and cats to make money on the side or simply fails to neuter or spay their family dogs and cats, allowing them to breed indiscriminately. This problem is more significant than most people realize: casual and small-scale operations of backyard breeding account for the sale of two-thirds of the fifty-three million dogs in the United States. Many of these animals live in filthy, disease-ridden conditions and often lack proper shelter and food. Backyard breeders do not educate or screen dog or cat buyers. Puppies and kittens may be placed in abusive homes. Unprepared buyers take them home and may quickly tire of the commitment to their companion animal, dropping the family dog or cat off at a shelter after the novelty wears off. Stiff fines and penalties for unlawful backyard breeders will halt the unchecked flow of animals from these sources and lead to a drastic reduction of intakes at animal shelters.</p>
<p><strong>Microchipping:</strong> Lost dogs and cats contribute significantly to the shelter population. Sadly, only 15% of lost dogs and 2% of lost cats are actually returned to their guardians because people do not take precautions with identification. Because tags and collars can be easily lost, microchipping is the most effective way to ensure lost animals are reunited with their guardians. This procedure is inexpensive and causes very little pain to the animal. Some places offer microchipping procedures at special events for even cheaper than the market rate. The way to curb the killing of family companion animals is to enact a law requiring microchip implantation much as rabies vaccines are mandated. Lost dogs and cats can then be safely and happily reunited with their families.</p>
<p><strong>Adoption Screening:</strong> Uninformed, unprepared guardians are allowed to take home dogs and cats from some shelters every day. Worse yet, some adopters turn out to be animal abusers/abandoners or backyard breeders themselves. These animals are often put out on the street to fend for themselves: lonely, ill-prepared, and frightened. Many will be picked up and sent right back to a shelter, perpetuating the cycle of overpopulation and killing. The Compassionate Care Act encourages effective screening and counseling of potential adopters, leading to a higher retention rate of companion animals and a significant decrease in animals’ reentry into the shelter system.</p>
<p><strong>Guidelines for “Owner Surrender”:</strong> We need to think of companion animals as members of the family, not as pieces of property to be easily acquired and discarded at will. Every day, guardians abandon thousands of companion animals by taking them to shelters. This is called “owner surrender,” and in many cases, these guardians actually believe they have done the best thing for their companion animal. They comfort themselves with the fantasy that their dog or cat will find a loving home, a “better fit” than with their family.</p>
<p>People who tell themselves this must realize that is far from the truth. According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, of the 6.5 million animals who enter the U.S. shelter system each year, 1.5 million are killed. These numbers are impossible to confirm with certainty; the number is believed to be much higher. Furthermore, 10% of animals that are adopted from a shelter are no longer in their new home six months after adoption. Astonishingly, even though advice and counsel from family, friends, and veterinarians make it three times more likely for a guardian to retain a dog or cat, no counseling is provided before a guardian surrenders an animal. The Compassionate Care Plan encourages counseling to educate people and provide resources to help them retain the family dog or cat.</p>
<p><strong>Stop Violence Against Animals:</strong> Society has a duty to stop the abuse of both humans and animals. Dogs and cats depend on their guardians to feed and shelter them. Acts of violence against animals are acts of violence against the community itself. A compassionate, enlightened society requires its members to fulfill their obligations and does not allow living beings to suffer and die. To ignore violence of any kind is to accept and sanction it within the community. This is not the type of world we want our children to grow up in.</p>
<p>Even people who are not animal lovers must realize how important it is to detect and stop the cycle of violence against animals. We know that domestic abuse perpetrators begin by abusing the family dog or cat first before escalating unpunished abusive acts to human beings. While child abuse is often hidden from the neighbors, animal abuse has less shame attached to it and is often witnessed by a neighbor. Therefore, appropriate legislation to punish those who abuse and neglect companion animals ensures that authorities will be able to investigate <em>all </em>allegations and evidence of violence. While this is critical to protecting animals, it also provides a means by which authorities can investigate other domestic violence issues, such as abuse and neglect of children and the elderly. If the abuse and neglect of the family dog or cat can be investigated and stopped, fining and arresting the perpetrators, this may help keep children and the elderly safe from would-abusers.</p>
<p><strong>Education Programs at Home and Schools:</strong> Children must be educated in the care and respect of animals. Without careful instruction, children may end up approaching an animal in a way that causes them to be harmed. Putting a hand or face in a dog’s face may encourage that animal to bite out of surprise or misunderstood intent. After all, a dog cannot use words to tell you how to approach him. Picking up or aggressively petting a cat may cause her to scratch in self-defense because she cannot use words to tell you she dislikes what you are doing. Children are often over-exuberant in handling animals and end up sustaining easily avoidable injuries. A little education can prevent both injury and owner surrender.</p>
<p>If parents do not have the time or energy to teach compassion and respectful approach of animals, then schools must do so. Many schools already have anti-bullying initiatives in place. Just as children must learn not to join in with a school bully attacking another child and to report the incident to a trusted adult, so, must children be taught to report animal abuse and torture. Aside from fulfilling our obligation to protect and defend all life, the community must realize that many children who torture animals have suffered abuse themselves or may have a serious psychological condition. We must set up programs where children and adolescents who have abused animals receive counseling and treatment so the cycle of violence is not permitted to continue.</p>
<p>The first step towards learning to value life – all life – is never to abuse or condone the abuse of any person or creature. Children learn from the actions and words of their parents and other family members. If they observe the easy acquisition and subsequent discard of a dog or cat, this teaches them that life is expendable and that empathy is not an essential value in the family. Without models of compassionate, empathetic behavior, children may learn the wrong lessons about how to treat others.</p>
<p>It is a lack of compassion that leads to acts of violence such as bullying, abuse, and neglect. Unfortunately, our society has promoted technology at the expense of compassion. Companion animals are beings who cannot be deleted from social media feeds or blocked from friends lists. They are lifetime commitments, not objects to be thrown away when their guardians decide they want “newer” or “better” companion animals. Compassion is not a finite resource. When properly cultivated in others, empathy leads to societal and community improvement.</p>
<p>When we talk about the Compassionate Care Plan and a new way of thinking and problem solving, it is with all of these elements in mind to help shape a kinder, more compassionate and ethical society that honors its obligations and commitments to all beings. The old way of thinking about our relationship with animals has not worked, nor have our methods to attempt to reduce the overpopulation of companion animals been successful. Now is the time to change our attitudes, language, and practices to change our society and protect the sanctity of all life.</p>
		<title>Compassionate Care for Senior Animal Companions: Why It&#8217;s Important and How You Can Help</title>
		<dc:creator><![CDATA[Gloria Lissner]]></dc:creator>
		<pubDate>Fri, 05 May 2023 18:05:21 +0000</pubDate>
				<category><![CDATA[Cat Care]]></category>
		<category><![CDATA[Dog Care]]></category>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">https://famousfidorescue.org/?p=14050</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[Charlie is a senior dog at our rescue who is in need of a little extra care in his twilight years. Each week, he goes to the vet to have fluid drained from around his heart, a labor-intensive process that requires a lot of time and effort. But for those who care for Charlie, it's  [...]]]></description>
										<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Charlie is a senior dog at our rescue who is in need of a little extra care in his twilight years. Each week, he goes to the vet to have fluid drained from around his heart, a labor-intensive process that requires a lot of time and effort. But for those who care for Charlie, it&#8217;s all worth it to see him comfortable and happy. Charlie&#8217;s story is a reminder of the importance of caring for senior cats and dogs, who require a different type of care than their younger counterparts. As animal companions age, they may develop age-related health issues that require more attention and monitoring. But with the right care, senior animal companions can still live happy, fulfilling lives, just like Charlie. In this blog post, we&#8217;ll explore why it&#8217;s essential to care for senior cats and dogs, what&#8217;s involved in their care, and provide statistics on how many are surrendered to shelters.</p>
<p><strong>Why Care for Senior Cats and Dogs?</strong></p>
<p>Senior cats and dogs have unique needs and challenges as they age, and it&#8217;s essential to provide the care and attention they require. Here are some reasons why caring for senior cats and dogs is vital:</p>
<p>Health Issues: Senior animals are more prone to age-related health issues such as arthritis, diabetes, and cognitive dysfunction. By providing regular veterinary care and monitoring, we can detect and treat these issues early to keep our animal companions comfortable and healthy.</p>
<p>Emotional Support: Senior animals often have a deeper bond with their human companions and can provide emotional support during challenging times. They may also have less energy and require less exercise, making them ideal companions for older adults.</p>
<p>Loyalty: Senior animals have a lifetime of loyalty and love to offer, and caring for them in their golden years is a way to show gratitude for their years of companionship and devotion.</p>
<p><span style="font-size: 24px;"><strong>What&#8217;s Involved in Senior Animal Companions&#8217; Care?</strong></span></p>
<p><strong>Caring for senior cats and dogs involves several essential components:</strong></p>
<p>Veterinary Care: Regular veterinary check-ups and preventative care are critical to detecting and treating age-related health issues early. Senior animal companions may require more frequent check-ups than younger animals, and their diet may need to be adjusted to accommodate their changing health needs.</p>
<p>Diet and Nutrition: Senior animal companions often require a different type of diet than younger animals to support their changing nutritional needs. Senior pet food is typically lower in calories and higher in protein to support muscle maintenance.</p>
<p>Exercise and Mental Stimulation: While senior animal companions may not need as much physical exercise as younger animals, they still need mental stimulation and regular activity to keep them happy and healthy. This can include short walks, puzzle toys, and interactive playtime.</p>
<p><strong>Statistics on Surrendered Senior Animal Companions</strong></p>
<p>Sadly, many senior animal companions are surrendered to shelters each year. According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), approximately 6.5 million companion animals enter shelters each year, and senior animals are among the most vulnerable. The ASPCA reports that senior dogs have the highest risk of euthanasia in shelters, with a 20% chance of being euthanized, compared to just 5% for younger dogs.</p>
<p><strong>Don&#8217;t Surrender A Senior Animal</strong></p>
<p>Surrendering a senior cat or dog should be an absolute last resort, as it can have a devastating impact on their emotional and physical well-being. Senior animal companions are often more sensitive to changes in their environment and can become stressed and anxious when they are separated from their human companions. They may also have a harder time adjusting to shelter life and be at higher risk of developing health issues. By choosing to care for senior cats and dogs through all stages of life, we can provide them with the love, attention, and support they need to live out their golden years in comfort and happiness.</p>
<p><strong>In Conclusion</strong></p>
<p>As individuals who share our lives with animal companions, we have a responsibility to care for them through all stages of life, including their senior years. Providing senior cats and dogs with the care they need requires time, effort, and resources, but it&#8217;s a small price to pay for the loyalty and love they provide us throughout their lives. As the saying goes, &#8220;The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.&#8221; Let&#8217;s show our animal companions the love and respect they deserve by providing them with the care they need in their golden years.</p>
		<title>What Sponsoring an Animal Means</title>
		<dc:creator><![CDATA[Gloria Lissner]]></dc:creator>
		<pubDate>Thu, 04 May 2023 01:39:10 +0000</pubDate>
				<category><![CDATA[Cat Care]]></category>
		<category><![CDATA[Dog Care]]></category>
		<category><![CDATA[Get Involved]]></category>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">https://famousfidorescue.org/?p=14004</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[At Famous Fido Rescue we help many animals that have experienced abuse, neglect, or abandonment. But we realize that not every person who is touched by an animals store has the ability to adopt. Remembering that every animal only gets one precious life, our goal is to have a positive influence and outcome, making their  [...]]]></description>
										<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>At Famous Fido Rescue we help many animals that have experienced abuse, neglect, or abandonment. But we realize that not every person who is touched by an animals store has the ability to adopt. Remembering that every animal only gets one precious life, our goal is to have a positive influence and outcome, making their one precious life the best it can be. Becoming an animal sponsor is one way we try to open an avenue for their support when the perfect solution isn&#8217;t yet available. Here are some of the crucial things our sponsors enable us to provide for the cats and dogs who call us their temporary home.</p>
<h3 class="fusion-responsive-typography-calculated" data-fontsize="34" data-lineheight="43.86px">Medical Expenses</h3>
<p>Every animal at Famous Fido Rescue is responsibly and appropriately cared for with their vetting. Sponsor for medical expenses can contribute to their spaying, neutering, vaccinations, treatments, and emergency care. Healthy animals who have done these things stand a monumentally greater chance of being adopted to forever homes.</p>
<h3 class="fusion-responsive-typography-calculated" data-fontsize="34" data-lineheight="43.86px">Training Solutions</h3>
<p>Training is a crucial part of preparing dogs for their future homes. Our hope is to work with both cats and dogs and build on their potential to ease them with their transitions. With cats this can take the form of increased exposure to and interaction with volunteers. Cats who are more socialized again, have a better chance of being adopted. Training solutions such as positive-reinforcement classes for dogs can help ease their anxiety, and other behavioral challenges.</p>
<h3 class="fusion-responsive-typography-calculated" data-fontsize="34" data-lineheight="43.86px">Facility Improvements</h3>
<p>There are 8 cat rooms, 5 dog rooms, a training room, and outdoor play space at our facility. This eliminates the need for cages in all but a few specific circumstances related to animal safety. With the drastic rise in animal surrenders during the pandemic we are again looking for ways to improve our capabilities. Sponsorship helps lay the bricks and pave the way for us to work with animals in environments that resemble the real world.</p>
<h3 class="fusion-responsive-typography-calculated" data-fontsize="34" data-lineheight="43.86px">Events And Campaigns</h3>
<p>Throughout the year, Famous Fido Rescue hosts several events and runs campaigns to advocate animal adoptions and raise funds for their food, shelter, and medical care. This requires a network of engaged individuals and outreach. Working with animal sponsors is a great way for Famous Fido and dedicated animal lovers to connect and pool the efforts in important directions.</p>
<h3 class="fusion-responsive-typography-calculated" data-fontsize="34" data-lineheight="43.86px">Sanctuary Animals</h3>
<p>When animals are not able to pass a behavioral assessment, or require extensive medical care, they are offered a safe space to stay in the Famous Fido sanctuary so they are not lost to euthanasia. As these animals are often more costly to care for, we often seek sponsors to commit to easing the impact of these costs and providing a reliable source of support.</p>
<h3 class="fusion-responsive-typography-calculated" data-fontsize="34" data-lineheight="43.86px">Interventions</h3>
<p>To save animals from entering shelters to begin with, Famous Fido Rescue works on solutions where cats or dogs can stay with their people in safe and loving homes. With this service, counseling and resources are offered to community members to prevent animals being surrendered. Sometimes this involves temporarily boarding an animal while their guardian resolves a housing situation or makes some necessary arrangements for the animal&#8217;s well-being. This is a cost that few, if any other animal rescues or shelters ever incur. Striving to handle things on a case by case basis makes sponsorship all the more vital in remaining flexible yet solvent as an organization.</p>
<h3 class="fusion-responsive-typography-calculated" data-fontsize="34" data-lineheight="43.86px">Getting Involved</h3>
<p>If you or someone you know can make a contribution to a cause like animal sponsorship at Famous Fido, we heartily encourage you to. You can do so by clicking <a href="https://famousfidorescue.org/adoption/">here</a> and choosing the dog or cat you would like to help out.</p>
		<title>FeLV &#8211; Strategies to Live with Feline Leukemia</title>
		<dc:creator><![CDATA[Gloria Lissner]]></dc:creator>
		<pubDate>Wed, 26 Apr 2023 18:22:06 +0000</pubDate>
				<category><![CDATA[Cat Care]]></category>
		<category><![CDATA[No Kill]]></category>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">https://famousfidorescue.org/?p=13757</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[In our experience with caring for cats suffering from a wide array of illnesses, we have noted a worrisome trend in euthanization of animals with diseases that are treatable. Sadly, many pet guardians fall into a hopeless attitude when they find that their companion has a FeLV diagnosis. But there are treatment options for cats  [...]]]></description>
										<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In our experience with caring for cats suffering from a wide array of illnesses, we have noted a worrisome trend in euthanization of animals with diseases that are treatable. Sadly, many pet guardians fall into a hopeless attitude when they find that their companion has a FeLV diagnosis. But there are treatment options for cats that can help them fight the virus before life-threatening complications develop. So, we found it to be important to share this article from Lisa Jensen detailing some of those options.</p>
<p><strong>FeLV: Not a Death Sentence</strong></p>
<p><strong>by: Lisa Jensen</strong></p>
<p>If your kitty is diagnosed with feline leukemia (FeLV), you shouldn’t assume that it automatically points to a death sentence. </p>
<p>Athena, a fluffy black kitten born to a feral mother, captivated me and my husband when she first crossed our path. Because of her background, we had her tested for feline leukemia, though we considered it little more than a formality. So my heart dropped when the veterinarian told us Athena had FeLV.</p>
<p>Feline leukemia facts</p>
<p>FeLV infects 2% to 3% of cats in the US.<sup>1 </sup>It’s most prevalent in kittens before their immunity is fully developed, and in older cats whose immune systems are declining.<sup>1,4</sup> The virus is passed through saliva and urine, but it can’t be transmitted to humans or dogs.<sup>3</sup> It can be spread through bite wounds and from a mother cat to her kittens.<sup>1,4</sup></p>
<p>There are three scenarios for cats who test positive for FeLV:</p>
<p>• A handful fight off the virus and live a normal lifespan, virus-free.</p>
<p>• Another small percentage carry the virus and spread disease to other cats without becoming seriously ill themselves.</p>
<p>• Most become increasingly ill and eventually die from secondary infection or are euthanized, usually within two years of diagnosis.</p>
<p>“Until a cat fights off the virus and tests negative, he’s considered viremic and is still contagious,” cautions Veterinarian Dr. Danielle Newman.<sup>4</sup></p>
<p>Vaccination isn’t the answer</p>
<p>Once in a cat’s system, FeLV produces an enzyme that allows it to insert copies of its own genetic data into the cells it infects, according to the Cornell Feline Health Center.<sup>1 </sup>Vaccines don’t provide a viable solution, and FeLV isn’t considered a core vaccine for cats. Vaccination can cause reactions such as fever, sneezing, lameness and loss of appetite. Other less common yet life-threatening effects include anaphylaxis and the development of sarcomas.<sup>2</sup> These side effects are the reason many holistic and integrative vets don’t recommend FeLV vaccines for cats who aren’t at risk.</p>
<p>Symptoms to watch for</p>
<p>Feline leukemia itself has no noticeable symptoms, but it breaks down a cat’s immunity, opening the door to numerous secondary diseases. Signs that may indicate FeLV include:</p>
<p>• Appetite and weight loss<br />
• Poor coat condition<br />
• Fever<br />
• Inflamed gums<br />
• Diarrhea<br />
• Persistent eye, skin, urinary tract and/or upper respiratory infections<br />
• Behavior changes and seizures</p>
<p>FeLV is commonly diagnosed using the ELISA test (Enzyme- Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay). If the ELISA is positive, an ImmunoFluorescent Assay (IFA test) will determine how advanced the disease is by showing if it has spread to the bone marrow.<sup>1,4</sup></p>
<p>Holistic treatment is the best bet</p>
<p>There is no cure or effective treatment for feline leukemia. Conventionally, Interferon and a few other medications have been studied, but with inconclusive and mixed results. 6Consequently, treatment is usually ongoing and directed at the infection or disease of the moment, rather than the virus itself.</p>
<p>Veterinarian Dr. Michele Gaspar encourages holistic treatment for cats with FeLV. Any cat’s odds of beating the virus and/ or living out a normal lifespan depend on factors such as age, lifestyle and overall health. Dr. Gaspar says that treatment should be approached realistically, by giving your cat a fighting chance but keeping in mind that it could go either way. There’s always hope, however, and her recommendations give kitties a definite advantage.</p>
<p>“Holistic methods need to be approached with a vet who is comfortable with them,” Dr. Gaspar says. She recommends reishi, shiitake and miitake mushrooms for the immune system, and adds that Andrographis, a South Asian plant with antiviral properties, is also useful.</p>
<p>“I also suggest a pharmaceutical-grade L-lysine product and great nutrition with a species-appropriate diet, one that’s high in protein and less than 7% carbs. Meat should be lightly cooked as FeLV cats aren’t the best candidates for a raw diet.”</p>
<p>As it turned out, Athena is one of the lucky few who are able to fight off the virus – her second FeLV test came back negative. I feel fortunate to still have my fluffy, nutty cat and to have learned so much from our early ordeal, especially that FeLV in any form isn’t a death sentence.</p>
<p>Living with FeLV</p>
<p>The key? Provide high quality nutrition.</p>
<p>• Work with a holistic or integrative vet who can prescribe herbs and supplements that are right for your cat.<br />
• Maintain hydration: provide fresh water and keep the environment on the humid side.<sup>6</sup><br />
• Encourage appetite: serve food warm and sprinkle a bit of catnip over it.<br />
• Minimize stress: keep kitties warm and stimulate circulation through petting, massage and grooming.<sup>7</sup></p>
<p>Keeping kitty FeLV-free <sup>1,3,4,5</sup></p>
<p>Keep your kitty FeLV-free by:</p>
<p>1. Preventing exposure by keeping him indoors, in a secure outdoor enclosure or on a harness and leash when outside (always supervised).<br />
2. Test new cats and kittens before allowing contact with infection-free cats.<br />
3. Segregate FeLV cats from uninfected cats in the same household. Don’t allow interaction or sharing of litter boxes, food or water dishes.</p>
<p><sup>1</sup> Cornell Feline Health Center: Feline Leukemia Virus, vet.cornell.edu/FHC/health_resources/brochure_felv.cfm.<br />
<sup>2</sup> Cornell Feline Health Center: Feline Vaccines: Benefits and Risks, vet.cornell.edu/FHC/health_resources/Vaccines.cfm.<br />
<sup>3</sup> WebMD: Facts About Feline Leukemia, pets.webmd.com/cats/facts-about-feline-leukemia-virus.<br />
<sup>4</sup> Danielle Newman, DVM, Mountain View Veterinary Hospital, Pocatello, Idaho.<br />
<sup>5</sup> Michele Gaspar, DVM, Feline DAVBP, Urban Veterinary Care, Chicago, Illinois.<br />
<sup>6</sup> Withrow and MacEwen’s Small Animal Clinical Oncology, Stephen J. Withrow, David M. Vail and Rodney Page, pp 23-25.<br />
<sup>7</sup> Frederick Cat Vet: Not Eating Well? How to Boost Your Cat’s Appetite, frederickcatvet.com/boostingappetite.html.</p>